Project Type Descriptions
The following types of projects are considered for inclusion in the BWS Project Bank. When submitting a project for consideration, use the following guide to determine how to properly categorize your project.
Flow Restoration Transaction
Project supports voluntary transactions to change, reduce or stop water use – either temporarily or permanently – to protect or restore water for environmental benefit:
- Example: voluntary agreement to stop or reduce water pumping, diversion or use during water stressed times of year
- Example: water rights lease or transfer in a prior appropriation context
- Example: forbearance agreement in a prior appropriation context
Agricultural Water Use Efficiency
Project supports agricultural water use efficiency to reduce the amount of water withdrawn from surface or groundwater sources
- Example: deployment of soil moisture sensors to reduce water withdrawal and application.
- Example: modernized irrigation infrastructure, such as conversion of flood irrigation to drip irrigation.
Public Awareness and Water Efficiency
Project supports urban water use efficiency AND raises public awareness of water issues and/or provides community benefits.
- Example: installation of smart water landscape irrigation or reuse systems to irrigate school district, city parks, or community sports fields.
- Example: replacement of existing fixtures with water efficient plumbing in schools, community centers, or other high-use public buildings.
Restoration of Natural Hydrology
Project restores natural hydrologic conditions to facilitate improved capture and infiltration of surface water and groundwater recharge
- Example: land conservation project that removes artificial drainage systems, facilitating natural recharge and infiltration
- Example: levee removal project connecting river flows to historic floodplain areas
- Example: urban storm water recharge project that includes green stormwater infrastructure, rain gardens, green streets, etc.
- Example: wetland restoration to improve natural ecosystem functions and enhance infiltration and water treatment benefits
Barrier & Impoundment Removal
Project removes artificial barriers that restrict passage and/or natural flow of water for some period of the year.
- Example: small dam removal
- Example: culvert removal or replacement
Pollution Reduction and Filtration
Project utilizes best management practices to filter and/or reduce pollution inputs into rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands or near-shore marine areas.
- Example: tertiary wetland treatment ponds
- Example: livestock exclusion from riparian areas to support native vegetation and enhance buffer capacity
- Example: stream-bank and/or riparian buffer restoration to restore natural ecosystem functions