Acid Rain Mitigation I and II
The province of Nova Scotia has suffered from acid rain more than any other region in North America and despite progress in pollution control, legacy impacts continue to threaten forest and freshwater ecosystems. Without any intervention it is predicted that natural recovery will require 70-100 years. The Nova Scotia Salmon Association and its partners desire to accelerate this timeline and, since the early 2000s have been leading an effort to develop, research, and apply a technology that carefully adds powdered limestone directly to forest and streams. The addition of limestone reduces the acidity (raises the pH) of the receiving water and helps to restore a healthy ecosystem that can again support the species that depend on them. An unanticipated benefit has been substantial carbon sequestration associated with raising the pH of streams with naturally high organic carbon.
This project will support the ongoing operation of existing and developing liming projects in priority Nova Scotia watersheds including the West River, Sheet Harbour, St. Mary’s River, Medway River and Lahave River – and contributing to the recovery of at-risk species including Atlantic salmon.
* Project restores natural hydrologic conditions to facilitate improved capture and infiltration of surface water and groundwater recharge