Canyon Creek Flow Restoration

Canyon Creek, a tributary of the Snake River, is a wild and remote stream that spans more than 45 miles from its headwaters on the northern flank of the Big Hole Mountains to its confluence with the Teton River and is a significant spawning stream for Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. Historically, each spring, large numbers of native cutthroat made their way to the headwaters of Canyon Creek to spawn. However, as the land was settled and used for agriculture and recreation, numerous factors combined to threaten spawning runs, including development, erosion, and agricultural impacts.

Friends of the Teton River (FTR) and the Canyon Creek Canal Company (CCCC) are working together to implement localized solutions to improve water quality, quantity, and fisheries health, while simultaneously improving water reliability to ensure that farms stay in business for the long-term. Together, FTR and the CCCC are shaping a future water management paradigm where well-managed farms and conservation go hand-in-hand.

In 2021, CCCC will close its large, unlined canal, instead diverting water downstream.  This will serve to restore flows to the lower 10 miles of Canyon Creek, down to the confluence with the Teton River Canyon and beyond to the historic, failed Teton Dam site, during key migration and spawning periods for Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout.

* Project supports voluntary transactions to change, reduce or stop water use – either temporarily or permanently – to protect or restore water for environmental benefit



Start Up Date:


Project Benefits:

Environmental Flow Restoration & Protection

Wildlife & Habitat Protection

Project Type:

Flow Restoration Transaction *


Fully Funded