Cedro Creek Restoration

The project area has been impacted by numerous stresses that include improper road and trail alignment, logging and grazing, and wildfire suppression. These conditions have caused Cedro Creek to be incised. As a result, Cedro Creek is experiencing the loss of a functional floodplain throughout most of its reach, a rapidly eroding channel, loss of wetland function and water storage, and piñon-juniper encroachment into the riparian zone.

The project aims to restore hydrologic and ecosystem health by incorporating practices that have been applied successfully throughout the arid southwest. Proposed practices include restored floodplain connection, increased climate change resilience through water storage, drought retention, and increased native biodiversity.

The benefits of this project are increased water holding capacity and biodiversity, improved resiliency of ecosystem services for adjacent communities, such as water resources, forest products, or recreation. In addition, Rocky Mountain Youth Corps (RMYC) and the Albuquerque Wildlife Federation wish to offer this project as a volunteer opportunity to engage youth and interested community members and get the word out about RMYC initiatives.

* Project restores natural hydrologic conditions to facilitate improved capture and infiltration of surface water and groundwater recharge


Tijeras, New Mexico

Start Up Date:


Project Benefits:

Community Engagement & Education

Enhancing Recreation & Economic Benefits

Environmental Flow Restoration & Protection

Project Type:

Restoration of Natural Hydrology *


Fully Funded

Project Partners

The Nature Conservancy in New Mexico