Crayfish Creek Restoration Project
Crayfish Creek is located within the U.S. National Park Service’s (NPS) Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (CRNRA), a 48-mile section of the Chattahoochee River from Lake Lanier to the city of Atlanta with nearly 7,000 acres of parkland in fifteen units along the river. Nearly three million people visit the CRNRA annually, making it one of the top forty most-visited national park units in the country. NPS identified Crayfish Creek as an impaired tributary of the River at the confluence. The streambank is eroded, lacks riparian canopy, and is contributing to degraded water quality and impacted hydrology that is affecting habitat for recreational fisheries, including wild and stocked trout, and potable water for the city of Atlanta.
Upper Chattahoochee Chapter of Trout Unlimited (TU) will restore and stabilize 500 feet of impaired streambank at Crayfish Creek to improve hydrology, water quality and wild trout habitat. As part of the project, partners will engage 300 volunteers to remove trash and debris including two abandoned culverts, restore riparian forest by removing invasive plant species, and plant 750 native trees and shrubs as well as engage 150 K-12 students in educational programming.
These steps will improve hydrology, the water quality flowing into the river, and enhance trout spawning habitat. Project partners include Oconee River Chapter of TU, Georgia Council of TU, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, Chattahoochee Parks Conservancy, River Through Atlanta, Chattahoochee River National Recreational Area, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Gwinnett County Soil and Water Conservation, University of Georgia (UGA) Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, UGA 5Rivers Trout Unlimited and Trout Unlimited National.
* Project removes artificial barriers that restrict passage and/or natural flow of water for some period of the year
* Project utilizes best management practices to filter and/or reduce pollution inputs into rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands or near-shore marine areas
* Project supports urban water use efficiency AND raises public awareness of water issues and/or provides community benefits
* Project restores natural hydrologic conditions to facilitate improved capture and infiltration of surface water and groundwater recharge