Fisher Creek Riparian Restoration
Fisher Creek flows into Laguna Seca, the largest freshwater wetland in Santa Clara County, and eventually Coyote Creek. Currently, a riparian zone along a half mile section of Fisher Creek is degraded due to cattle grazing. The surrounding area requires grazing to suppress invasive plant species and keep wildfire fuel load low. Unfortunately, access to the creek banks and within the creek appears to be suppressing natural recruitment of riparian woodland vegetation and increasing soil and nutrient load into the creek.
Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority and its partners seek to implement restoration activities to protect water quality and reduce runoff to Fisher Creek. The proposed project will install a fence around the degraded section of Fisher Creek to exclude cattle from both sides of the creek. Cattle crossing locations will be installed to allow for grazing.
In addition, the area will be revegetated with acorn and willow cuttings. These actions will also result in improved habitat connectivity and provide community engagement opportunities.
* Project utilizes best management practices to filter and/or reduce pollution inputs into rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands or near-shore marine areas