Inell Woods Park Stormwater System

Inell Woods Park is located in a neighborhood that lacks green space in South Los Angeles, CA, within the Compton Creek Watershed. The parcel’s paved 16,000 square feet are currently used as a public dumping zone. The park project was developed in collaboration with community members, and intends to create green space and improve water quality in Compton Creek and the LA River.

This project is focused on stormwater treatment and community well-being within the Los Angeles River Watershed. The objective is to use native plants to reduce long-term potable water requirements and capture and treat stormwater to irrigate the park. The park will also serve as a much needed safe green space in the neighborhood. Shade trees will be added to the park to help mitigate the heat island effect and native plants will be incorporated to reduce long-term potable water requirements. The park is designed to capture rainwater, and a Permavoid system will be used to treat stormwater. The captured water will be filtered and used to irrigate the native plants and trees within the park. The project will result in increased volume captured (runoff reduction) due to stormwater capture and treatment. Ultimately, the park will be handed over to the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks for operations and maintenance.

* Project utilizes best management practices to filter and/or reduce pollution inputs into rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands or near-shore marine areas


South Los Angeles, CA

Start Up Date:


Project Benefits:

Community Engagement & Education

Enhancing Recreation & Economic Benefits

Green Infrastructure Investment

Groundwater Conservation & Replenishment

Project Type:

Pollution Reduction and Filtration *


Funding Needed