La Jara Wetland

In June 2018, Watershed Artisans assessed a stretch of the Rio Fernando de Taos, along with three tributary valleys. Every remaining wetland in La Jara Canyon has been degraded by a variety of historic and current land management activities including livestock grazing, forestry and fire suppression, road drainage and recent prolonged drought cycles.

The proposed project plans to restore surrounding wetlands through stabilizing headcuts, maintaining fencing, and addressing other wetland stressors such as road drainage impacts with the hopes of reversing degradation processes and reestablishing healthy wetland plant communities.

The La Jara Wetland is considered one of the Eight Wetland Jewels that is essential for providing stream flow to the watersheds that feed Taos area communities. Restoring the health of the La Jara Wetland will be instrumental in promoting resiliency and watershed health for downstream communities.

* Project restores natural hydrologic conditions to facilitate improved capture and infiltration of surface water and groundwater recharge


Taos County, New Mexico

Start Up Date:


Project Benefits:

Environmental Flow Restoration & Protection

Project Type:

Restoration of Natural Hydrology *


Fully Funded

Project Partners

The Nature Conservancy in New Mexico