Skywater Springshed Flow Restoration

Skywater is a major spring tributary to the lower Flint River in Georgia. Historically, drought-level flows from the spring were comparable to a medium-sized creek. But today, due to over-exploitation from industrial and agricultural withdrawals, Skywater does not flow at all during drought periods.

The multi-phase Skywater project will bring together a team of stakeholders and experts – ranging from farmers and industry representatives to hydrologists and economists – to tackle this problem. Flint Riverkeeper and a team of partners will assist local farmers in installing irrigation equipment that will reduce agricultural water use. They will also help key water users – both agricultural and industrial – to draw from deeper groundwater sources that will have a lower impact on stream flows during periods of drought.

The Skywater Team will also install monitoring equipment that will measure the impact of the project. By reducing water usage and relying on water sources that will have the smallest possible environmental impact, the project will restore these critical spring flows and keep the Skywater Springshed flowing year-round.

* Project restores natural hydrologic conditions to facilitate improved capture and infiltration of surface water and groundwater recharge


Albany, GA

Start Up Date:


Project Benefits:

Enhancing Recreation & Economic Benefits

Environmental Flow Restoration & Protection

Groundwater Conservation & Replenishment

Project Type:

Restoration of Natural Hydrology *


Funding Needed