Spreckles Wetland Clean Up and Enhancement

Spreckles Wetland is a discrete 8-acre wetland complex located at the base of scenic Spreckles Hill in North Coyote Valley, Santa Clara County, California. A culvert was installed many years ago to allow water in the wetland to enter Fisher Creek, while still allowing dry passage over the culvert. The wetland contains a mix of riparian woodland and wetland species such as rushes, sedges and willows. The wetland is negatively impacted by invasive species and litter.

Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority and its partners seek to enhance the Spreckles Wetland habitat by modifying the existing culvert and removing the invasives and litter. The protection of wetlands is essential for reduction of erosion, minimization of flooding, protection of native plant and animal diversity, and protection and improvement of water quality by absorbing nutrients and pollutants.

In addition to the improved wetland habitat and water quality, this project will provide community engagement opportunities.

* Project utilizes best management practices to filter and/or reduce pollution inputs into rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands or near-shore marine areas


Santa Clara County, California

Start Up Date:


Project Benefits:

Community Engagement & Education

Water Quality Improvement

Project Type:

Pollution Reduction and Filtration *


Fully Funded