Toilet Leak Detection Southern California

The South Coast of California is a water-scarce region and relies on water supplies that are imported from hundreds of miles away (Colorado River, Sacramento River and San Joaquin River watersheds). Water is expected to become more scarce and expensive as the population increases and climate change worsens. Across Southern California cities, toilet leaks are typically the primary source of water waste in multi-family buildings; while they are easy to fix, they can be difficult to detect.

Sensor Industries has partnered with Pacific Institute to provide real-time water demand management to non-profit multifamily homes owned by the Los Angeles Housing Authority. The leak detection system rescues unseen water waste by monitoring and reporting on toilet leaks in real time. 5% of all toilets are actively leaking, wasting up to 5,000 gallons per day. Building managers get alerts identifying which unit is experiencing the leak and where. The project will alleviate waste in eight multi-family buildings across Los Angeles, and reduce reliance on imported water supplies.

* Project supports urban water use efficiency AND raises public awareness of water issues and/or provides community benefits


Los Angeles, California

Start Up Date:


Project Benefits:

Increasing Water Conservation & Efficiency

Project Type:

Public Awareness and Water Efficiency *


Fully Funded