Verde River – Tres Brisas Ranch Irrigation Modernization

Tres Brisas Ranch is a small, family run ranch located in Camp Verde, Arizona. The ranch irrigates 30 acres of land utilizing both Verde River water and groundwater to feed their cattle. Previously Tres Brisas Ranch flood irrigated their fields and the fields were only about 30% efficient. The result was a poorly watered field and more water taken from the river than needed.

The Tres Brisas Irrigation Modernization project, led by The Nature Conservancy and Natural Resource Conservation Service,  converted the flood irrigation system to a wheel line irrigation system and moved the point of diversion downstream. With this upgrade, Tres Brisas Ranch will be able to directly reduce their water diversion and groundwater pumping. Additionally, the point of diversion for the water was moved downstream nearly three quarters of a mile – improving flow in this stretch of the river.

* Project supports agricultural water use efficiency to reduce the amount of water withdrawn from surface or groundwater sources.


Camp Verde, AZ

Start Up Date:


Project Benefits:

Environmental Flow Restoration & Protection

Groundwater Conservation & Replenishment

Increasing Water Conservation & Efficiency

Securing Water for Communities & Food Production

Project Type:

Agricultural Water Use Efficiency *


Fully Funded